yesterday was a sports day for our department.. and i played netball so i take off my watch and keep it away with some of my stuff.. i had to take it off even yesterday game like no rules whatsoever.. but then my watch is big and i don't mind if i smashed someone head with it.. huahaha.. kalo kepala orang tu pecah no problemo cuma not my watch yang pecah la..
then after the game i forgot to wear it straight away.. so it happens.. when i took back my stuff i realized the watch is gone, only my shirt, car key and my handphone.. so i guess the watch tercicir somewhere.. asked the urusetia to make an announcement but still no watch.. our game did not covered a big area plus my watch is bulky one just cannot missed it..
i really miss by Baby G.. i don't think the design is in the market anymore.. i just hope somebody that found my watch an intend to keep it to take a good care of it..
now kena hunt for a new watch.. means fly money flyyyyy...