oho ho ho ho.. disebabkan telah makan berbulan2 i didn't update anything so i guess this entry will take an entire page.. eh yeker.. rasa cam semangat nak menulis.. tengok2 separuh jalan pastu malas maka aku stop begitu sahajork la gamaknya..
i think for this past few months i've been very busy.. i think.. i can't remember.. my memory can only last for few minutes.. i kept forgetting about things.. i really am getting older.. err makin tua memang makin lupa ker?
i'd been to bangkok last month.. yippeee.. one long holiday.. from 19 - 24th November'09, i guess this was the longest holiday i'd spent abroad.. 6 days and 5 nights in bangkok, die maa from lacking of food.. on my way back home all i think was food!food!food!
i went to bangkok for the purpose of escorting the debate team to take part in the Debating Championship that held in Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. Uni sending two teams and i think other Uni in Malaysia sending about not less than 4 teams.. together with me was my colleagues who are willing to accompany me which means to sacrifice her money (i can claims while she can't.. huahaha)
so as usual everytime i go anywhere i will jot the whole experience so i will not forget about things (yes i am serious about my damaged brain).. so here we go..
19th November 2009
gerak from JB to KL at 0830, stopping at Machap and by 1230 we were safely arrived at LCCT, our AirAsia flight will be departed at 1535.. we only manage to fly with AirAsia due to students mistake in calculatting the fare but thats ok compared to UiTM students which also doing the same mistakes and ended up had to go to Bangkok by train.. duhhh..
meet up with the teams, 6 of them, 5 boys and 1 girl, all Chinese (this is why i had to persuade my colleagues to go with me because the students can eat anything anywhere, food is the key hehe.. well she can't really blamed me because when the Activity Officer offered me to go to Bangkok, she said that if i accept the offer, she will go to Bangkok with me.. now please be careful with what u wish for, u asked for it u got it hua ho ho ho)
so we fly and fly together, reached Suvarnabhumi Airport around 1800 but its only 1700 thailand hours.. diorang lambat 1 jam kan dari kita).. so sampai tu nak lepas imigresen mak aiiiii ramainya orang.. beratur line bersepah2 ni punya ramai.. punyalah orang dok sbok bkumpul one part ni rupa2nya kat sblh sana kurang orang.. so kitorang selit2 cepatlah sket que nya..
then we had to wait for the Chula Girls.. we couldn't find them anywhere.. tried to call them several times but couldn't get through.. so Guozhang wrote a sign in a piece of paper and had to tawaf a bit and at last the Chula Girls found us.. they were wearing a uniform, white blouse and grey skirt, all the Uni or colleges' students in Thailand had the same uniform, the only difference is their badge..
then we went to the hotel, all the participants were staying at this Bangkok Centre Hotel, RM100 per nite.. i didn't go anywhere that night, just settle down in a room and have some zzzz..
20th November 2009
aise malas la pulak nak cerita dah.. hahaha.. esok2 la bila rajin..