once upon a time.. hahah kisah klasik gitu bunyiknya.. nowadays dah jarang kan kita tengok orang dapat surat yang mengandungi kisah-kisah peribadi atau bertanya kabo melalui surat-surat yang diantor oleh pakcik posmen..
kalo ada pakcik posmen datang umah mesti sebab nak anto surat dari bank utang kad kredit,
surat dari bank-bank yang menjelaskan penyata hutang pinjaman peribadi ke,
surat dari syarikat-syarikat telekomunikasi nak bagitau bil bulan terkini,
surat-surat dari jusco sebab nak bagitau ada promosi ke nak bagik rebate RM20 ke supaya bleh terus berbelanja di jusco
dan beberapa jenis surat lagi yang kebanyakannya pengirimnya bukan dari golongan rakan-rakan dan yang pasti kita tak berapa sudi pun nak terima surat-surat tu..
if ada pun surat-surat dari kawan, paling-paling pun dia nak anto kad kawen..
maybe still ada lagi that conventional way to send a letter to ur friends but peoples choose to make it fast and go by email.. when i was introduced to email back on 1996 1997, i'm happily used it as one way of communication but back then not many of my friends had an email account..
through 1998 1999 i am totally for email.. so at that time my email was functioned as to received and to send email to and from friends. All the emails will have a subject that indicate a title as 'Re: haiiii' 'Re: apa ko buat arrrr?' and other but the word 'Re:' was always there.. and then years later, the 'Re:..' title was reduced and it was replaced by the title ' Fwd: Kisah di Carrefour' or 'Fwd: Gossip Siti - Dato' K' and all that forward kind of things.. the 'Re:..' is still there but just not as much as 'Fwd:...'
now i saw some slightly change again in my inbox.. there were a bit of 'Re:..', much of 'Fwd:..' and much much of the social network info came in to my mail.. u opened up ur email and there at the first page will be a message from Facebook, Friendster, Tagged.. *sighhh*
i wonder for years to come, what will i see in my inbox. (please don't count on spam)