kita kan ada dpt emel fwd2 yg pasal keoriginalan tepon kita sume melalui tekan *#06# kat tepon kita dan dia akan kuarkan satu siri numbo.. ni xtau la btol ke idak yerr...
Semak numbo yg ke 7 dan 8:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 th 8 th 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Phone serial no. x x x x x x ? ? x x x x x x x
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 00 this means your cell phone was manufactured in original factory which is the best Mobile Quality
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 01 or 10 this means your cell phone was manufactured in Finland which is very Good
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 08 or 80 this means your cell phone was manufactured in Germany which is fair quality
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 02 or 20 this means your cell phone was assembled in China which is low quality
IF the Seventh & Eighth digits are 13 this means your cell phone was assembled in Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and also dangerous for your health
itu kata-katanya.. maka sblom ni aku telah menguji tahap keoriginalan tepon2 ku.. tepon aku yg nokia 6110 sblom ni mempunyai kod 00.. original factory kononnya dan sangat lah bagus.. huk huk.. batuk aku..
tepon samsung pulak kod dia 01.. Finland yerrr.. bagus yerrr.. hmm..
tapi aku cek tepon baru aku ni kod dia 02!! made in China? LOW QUALITY?? aduhhhhh panjang x usia tepon aku ni..