Friday, July 23, 2010
aihhhh.. its been too long since i wrote anything in here.. lost of interest maybe.. still i don't think i have anything to say now.. i'm too busy in my dreamy world..
i think everything started when i open up a blogshop, (oh and no, of course the model is not me, i'll scared people away if i'm the model), trying to focus on that, but after a while, i'm kind of lost interest in that too.. teehee.. but still going on cuma a little ignored gak coz my working hour doesn't allowed me to do other thing than what i'm supposed to doo.. thats good la kan coz i hope that my makan gaji should be more 'berkat' for doing things i am paid for..
and plus my laptop hates me so much she was now in coma.. can't even turn it on.. oh kan coma of course la xleh turn on.. *sighhhhh* and its still sick at home, haven't bring it to Cytech yet.. too lazy to skip my working hour coz i hate to be back to office and had to 'tawaf' around the parking space for almost half an hour just looking for an available parking lot.. grrr..
oh puasa is just around the corner.. yeayyyy.. maybe i can post new entry everyday.. buat mcm orang-orang selalu buat.. amek gambo makanan citer tiap-tiap ari buka apa.. huahahahahaha.. ha ha ha haaa hmmmmm.. emmm.. ehem ok.. tapi masalahnya lak takde yang menarik la dalam makanan harian aku nanti.. macam dah leh agak dah apakah bakal menu itu..
terima kasih kepada empunya gambo.. pinjam yek.. takpe bulan posa kalo aku tak sangap macam sebulan dua ni mungkin aku akan berjaya ambek gambo sendirik walopun tak cantek gambo itteww.. susahlah nak amek-amek gambo.. dengan gendong anak lagi.. bawak hasil belian kiri kanan tangan lagi (wahhh ingat belik jek tak ingat nak masak ke mal oiiiiii).. kat umah kang lak sbok nak hidang lagi.. silat dengan anak-anak lagi.. huargh aiihhh nape la aku tak seterer orang lain yang leh amek gambo proses masak dari mula sampai akhir walopun anak-anak kaco.. terer la.. supermummy..
choii apa aku merepek nih.. sedikit ilang akal kekdahnya ni.. oh berat dah mata aku.. haruslah aku tido rasanya.. layan manga asterisk jap pastu moh la kitaaaaa...