Monday, June 22, 2009
email dan fungsinya untuk aku..
kalo ada pakcik posmen datang umah mesti sebab nak anto surat dari bank utang kad kredit,
surat dari bank-bank yang menjelaskan penyata hutang pinjaman peribadi ke,
surat dari syarikat-syarikat telekomunikasi nak bagitau bil bulan terkini,
surat-surat dari jusco sebab nak bagitau ada promosi ke nak bagik rebate RM20 ke supaya bleh terus berbelanja di jusco
dan beberapa jenis surat lagi yang kebanyakannya pengirimnya bukan dari golongan rakan-rakan dan yang pasti kita tak berapa sudi pun nak terima surat-surat tu..
if ada pun surat-surat dari kawan, paling-paling pun dia nak anto kad kawen..
maybe still ada lagi that conventional way to send a letter to ur friends but peoples choose to make it fast and go by email.. when i was introduced to email back on 1996 1997, i'm happily used it as one way of communication but back then not many of my friends had an email account..
through 1998 1999 i am totally for email.. so at that time my email was functioned as to received and to send email to and from friends. All the emails will have a subject that indicate a title as 'Re: haiiii' 'Re: apa ko buat arrrr?' and other but the word 'Re:' was always there.. and then years later, the 'Re:..' title was reduced and it was replaced by the title ' Fwd: Kisah di Carrefour' or 'Fwd: Gossip Siti - Dato' K' and all that forward kind of things.. the 'Re:..' is still there but just not as much as 'Fwd:...'
now i saw some slightly change again in my inbox.. there were a bit of 'Re:..', much of 'Fwd:..' and much much of the social network info came in to my mail.. u opened up ur email and there at the first page will be a message from Facebook, Friendster, Tagged.. *sighhh*
i wonder for years to come, what will i see in my inbox. (please don't count on spam)
Friday, June 19, 2009
percubaan beraktiviti..
this is the same routine since 3 years ago.. while my everyday routine turn to be the same exact way, my weekend didn't help me much.. every weekend i had to go back to MIL's house and there's nothing to do except lazying around..
i think i need to change my life a little bit.. my boring schedule makes me unfit.. makes me gain some weight.. i'm easily tired and my body's ache.. so to start things and to get myself a fit and healthy body, i decided to try on gym.. hahah.. so today on Friday's long hours break, me and 2 of my colleagues went to the gym here inside the University, nobody in the gym so i feel more confident because i know that i can't stand to workout for more than 10minutes..
start with some stretching, and one things lead to another.. the gym is so small and there isn't much facilities but i think it will be more than enough for me.. i manage to try on 4 different things and each of it i can only make it up to 7 minutes.. huahahahaha.. but its a start.. i dont wanna push myself.. my shirt already wet with sweat only after 10minutes of working out.. its good because i rarely sweat.. i dont feel tired but i do feel lighter (berangaaaannnnnnnn.. xsampai 30 minit dah nak perasan kurusssss)
so we agree to try this on at least once a week.. beside the gym, there's also a sauna room and a steam bath room.. maybe i'll try one of those later.. (but i bet if i can sit inside the sauna room more than 5 minutes.. lemas aku dok situ lama2)..
oh and i think i'm going to have another new things to tried on.. danda bought me a bicycle so i can cycle with him petang2.. ah shoot i dont think i can make it.. the bicycle is too high for me, i have a short leg, tak sampai la nanti nak brenti kena jinjit2 pastu tak sampai gak lalu tergolek pulak.. but still need to have a go.. i need it anyway for a healthy and fit body.. go me..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
siseh ar anak wayang tu..

memandangkan aku blom tido lagi ni pastu ada pulak ulangan anak wayang ni maka aku telah tertengok.. bukan tengok sangat pun.. sambil bekerja sambil berfacebook sambil bermafia wars ni..
tapi sesungguhnya memang aku rasa siseh (read: burok, klakor, bodoh) giler jek la anak wayang tu.. pertandingan lakonan rasa aku memang sesuatu yang memalukan.. aku selalu rasa malu kalo tgk benda2 cenggini.. walopun aku bukan peserta tapi xpelah aku rasa malu bagi pihak mereka (padahallll mereka xmalu langsung dan sangat suka)
ahhh terganggu sey tengok aksi2 lakonan pelik itu.. aduhhh dahlah ada mamat duduk blakang judge tu asik buat muka 'look at me, i'm cool'.. ahhh gangguan.. nasib baik ada selingan iklan 'Jangan Lupa Lirik' yang aku rasa iklan-iklan tu agak klako..
ah dah tak suka tu jangan lah tengok kan.. tutup sudahhh..
hahahahah klako la plak yasmin hamid ni.. hahahaha klako.. ah aku sorang jek la paham ni.. korang pun bukannya tengok pun citer ni..
Thursday, June 11, 2009
better stop hooking with Mafia Wars now.. aekkkk...
Monday, June 1, 2009
EXCLUSIVE - New Moon Official Trailer
hahahah.. suka suka.. just can't wait to watch da movie this year..
u know its a school holiday when..
1. the wedding invitation keep coming in.. yaa amboi banyaknya dapat kad kawen kan.. then anywhere u go u might see khemah.. jalan tutup sebab pasang khemah la.. weuyrebchdf hampeh xpasal2 aku kena meround pusing2 jalan..
2. the road is quite clear.. hmm biasa kan mcm banyak jek keta but today a bit clear lah... even from skudai to jb is surprisingly moving fast..
3. Still got lot of parking spaces even though it nearly 8am.. biasa 10 10 minutes before 8 kalo ko sampai pun ko dah kena parking jejauh but today dapat parking dekatt uolsss padahal dah nak kol 8 sangat2 ni..
4. opis quite deserted.. and surprise surprise my boss take a leave (my boss sangat susah nak ambil cuti, cuti dia melambak2 giler simpan bertahun2 buat golden handshake gamaknya.. dia hanya bercuti masa cuti skool bawak anak dia jenjalan)
5. people asking u whether u r going to take a leave or not (and i was like a 'apehal lak aku nak kena bercuti?') because some people do but it doesn't mean i also need to ride a boat with 'em..
6. u will find an easy way to get home without trying to avoid waiting cars in front of skool (obviously la
7. hotel-hotel, resort and many other vacation places were fully-booked, even the expensive ones..
kann.. haa actually tu ler yang buat aku tau ianya cuti skolah (memandangkan anak2 aku tidak berskolah lg lah).. pada aku memang dapat rasa la bezanya.. heh..