Friday, May 15, 2015

duhhh.. just figure it out why oh why aku vongoks sangat tak jumpa all the setting.. gue log in dengan emel yg kiranya guest writer gituuuu.. haruslah ko tak sepatutnya can view all.. dah tu tiba-tiba tak ingat apakah sepatutnya emel asal yang patut digunakan.. lama termenung tengokkkkk je laptop sambil otak menerawang memikirkan apakah emel-emel yang telah terbina sepanjang hayat.. harus trial and error.. maka setelah 3 kali percubaan sahaja.. gue berjaya.. nasib la selama hidup memang pakai password yang pusing2 bunyik dia gitu jugak.. with few modifications here and there..

now bila dah bukak balik dgn akaun lama maka bleh terbaca la my dotter punya blog yg ahkak gigih sangat binanya dahulu kala tapi terhenti sekerat jalan.. bila baca balik then pkir eh baguih la.. diari kannnn.. so bina semula blog ni la utk diari anak-anak.. anak 4 uols.. x kuasa la hakak nak update sampai 5 blog.. yang satu blog je pun dekat bertahun tak tulis apa-apa.. ada hatiiii..
alah macamana nak settong blog kasik private ni.. kehkehkeh memang lah takde orang pun baca my blog except for myself.. tapi kan kadang-kadang ada jugak orang yang tercross punya.. huwaa tak reti ni vongok sangat jenuh tekan semua button tak jumpa..
Seriously.. i had try so many times to write something in here.. but i always end up deleting every words.. well it's only a few words anyway..

So i think here we goes.. another tryout..

Sitting on a bed here.. Adam besides me watching Upin Ipin for a couple of hundreds time.. there's Athea sleeping on a corner of a bed.. i hope she sleeps well tonight.. no nightmare or so on.. while i wonder what time Adam will sleeps tonight.. he just woke up from his sleep from around 5pm..

My life.. well.. i don't think much has changed ever.. still working 8 to 5.. oh but discounted on Thursday 8 to 2.30.. love it..  Work.. hmm.. much less the same old routine.. well i had only work for about 13 years.. but i'm dreading on the days to come for my retirement.. hahaha.. i hate working.. but don't worry.. i still give my 99% at works though..

There you goes.. yeay manage to write something even it's meaningless.. k bye..


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