Friday, October 31, 2008
tengahari jumaat datang lagi..
mari mari kita menyumbang kepada pergerakan ekonomi.. mari bersopping.. tapi jangan sampai jadik inflasi.. sopping ikut perlu (seriuss perlu ke??) hahaha.. kalo xsopping pun jom window sopping (tetap berbahaya bagi kaum hawa memandangkan ianya mengundang kepada sopping peringkat sebenar).. bawak duit sket sahaja.. jgn bawak kredit kad yer (hampeh aku xde kredit kad - dilarang keras oleh danda)
countdown countdown.. 10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1.. JUSCO here i come!!
Perasaan aku kacau
giler lah.. page2 kawan lain baru aku terbukak gak.. aku jarang bukak facebook sbb dia nyebabkan nanti keje aku lembab.. tapi aku bukak la gak pagi ni sbb op pesan suh tgk.. huarghh memang shocking.. xkenal beb..
manusia mmg berubah.. terus berubah.. whether turn out to be the good one or the other way round.. dia yang aku kenal dlu sgt berbeza dgn apa yg aku nampak.. aahhhh kacau giler.. ahhh tidakkk.. dan page rakan lain plak jugak menunjukkan satu perkembangan yg aku rasa nak pengsan tgk.. why why.. aku rasa kacau..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Jamuan Raya Pelajar
spatutnya majlis around 12 start dah.. tapi sbb ada timb. menteri nak join majlis tpaksa delay sbb tunggu dia smpai.. and bebudak yg memasing dah tunggu lama and kelaparan mula duduk dekat2 ngn makanan dan ada yg dok rembat krepek sebungkus besor pakat makan ramai2 kat belakang..
by the time marhaban jek.. student trus berebut amek makan walopun dah pesan 'sabar dulu sabar dulu' tapi budak2 dah xleh sabo.. yelaaa makanan depan mata.. ish ish..
ni a bit here and there gambo masa jamuan tu..
krepek2 buat ganti kueh raya..
roti + sup tulangdaging (sup blom bubuh tunggu bdk2 nak makan karang)
lemang + rendang daging
bdk2 makan santai bawah pokok tepi tasek
Friday, October 17, 2008
speed trap.. ajar berhati2 atau carik untung??

pakcik polis dengan speed trap biarlah rahsia
so sebenarnya orang2 ni akan bawak ikut had laju of course bila ada speed trap.. kalo dia tau kat jalan tu ada speed trap maka berdisiplinlah drebar2 keta sekalian.. malangnyaa kita sume tatau kat mana ada speed trap tu.. tau tau datang surat saman.. serik ke?? not really.. kita bayor saman kat polis pastu mungkin ulang benda yang sama sebab kita pkir xkan la kat mana2 jek ada speed trap.. mesti tempat tertentu jek.. maka yang untung adalahhh.. haa pikirlah sendirik..
hehehe.. xkesahler cenggini.. mungkin tujuan untuk orang berhati2..
bila aku singgah ke negara jiran.. bila lalu highway dia, di setiap bp kilometer memang akan diletakkan kamera speed trap itu, xde pakcik polis dok bertenggek.. dan diorg akan bagi warning 'SPEED CAMERA AHEAD' so org2 jalan dengan berhati2 dan ikut lah had dia... xleh nak laju lagi sbb kat depan lagi pun ada gak tulis 'SPEED CAMERA AHEAD' dan kamera tu mmg ada bukan palsu nya kamera hanya utk takut2kan.. well kalo buh yg palsu pun kalo xyer yer org xtau ye x..
jadik secara xlangsung sume org mampu kawal cara pemanduan.. sbb tu kita slalu dgr dan sendiri berkata yg orang2 dari negara jiran ni kalo kat negara diorg pandai memandu secara berhemah bersopan santun dsb tapi kalo masuk negara kita makkkk aiii macam xcukup2 jalan diorg nak memangkah nak menyelit.. suka ati diorg jek.. (segelintir kot) tapi sekurang2nya diorg agak terselamat kat negara diorg dan x ler membahayakan nyawa org lain..well yang aku rasakan begitu la.. why not tell people kat mana ada letak speed camera tu so org akan berhati2.. atau pun just obvoiuskan kedudukan polis tu secara tetap so orang tau pakcik polis kat situ kena berhati2.. jadik dapatlah pemanduan yang berhemah dan mungkin bleh menyelamatkan nyawa2.. tapi cemanapun ajal maut kat tangan Tuhan, kalo kita bawak berhati2 tp kalo dah sampai ajal maka ilang nyawa la gak.. tapi yg penting kita berusaha la nak kurangkan kadar2 ilang nyawa itu..
so ni yg kat bawah ni dikatakan tempat2 yang ada speed trap.. ni aku dapat kat emel fwd2 yg dapat sekitar oktober 2007.. might still valid.. jadi berhati2 la bawak keta.. di samping dapat mengelakkan duit poket kita menyusut.. hahah boleh gitu...
PLUS North Bound*Road block at 13.0km, gun anywhere 15km before*Around Ayer Hitam in 60km/h zone.*Before Perwaja Steel.*Sg Pertani junction.*Between Seberang Jaya junction and Sg Dua Toll.*Penang Bridge at island end. Speed limit 80km/h.*160.2, 161.8km
PLUS South Bound*Below bridge at 49.5km.*Alor Setar North junction.*Penang Bridge at island end. Speed limit 80km/h.*About 2km before Juru Toll. Speed limit 90km/h.*Road block at 150.0km, gun at 143.3km*Below the bridge at 151.5km, Bukit Tambun junction.
BKE*Under the Mcdonald's BKE restaurant*Below the fly over of kota seman.
North Bound*143.5km*Under the bridge at 197.1km and 198.8km, after Kamunting Junction.*Under the bridge at 204.3km and 204.4km, after Kamunting Junction.*Under the bridge at 208km, before Kamunting Junction.*Under the bridge at 214.8km, before Kamunting junction.*223km Changkak Jering junction*Road block at 221.3km, gun anywhere 25km before but suspect around 239km*About 235, 237, 239km on the hill*Ipoh Vista Point at about 263km. Speed limit 80km/h.*Under the bridge at 271km, Ipoh North Junction.*Under the bridge at 274.4km, Ipoh South Junction.*At 296.0km sign post*Under the bridge at 286.9km, Simpang Pulai Junction.*Under the bridge at 296km, Gopeng Junction.*Below the bridge at 300km*90km/h stretch at around 305km*Road block at 298km, gun at about 325km.*Road block at 342km, gun anywhere 50km before.*Under the bridge at 352.6km, after Sungkai Junction.*Under the bridge at 353km, Sungkai Junction.*Under the bridge at 373km, Slim River Junction.*On the slope at 385.9km, after Behrang Junction. Stop at about 342/5km.
South Bound*Below the bridge at 151.6km at Bukit Tambun interchange.*Below the bridge at 160.2km*Road block after Bukit Merah rest stop, suspect laser gun at around 170km hills area.*Under the bridge at 198.8km, after Bukit Merah rest stop.*Under the bridge at 199km, before Kamunting junction.*Road block at 221.3km, gun at 200.0, 200.3km*Under the bridge at 241.9km, at Kalau Kangsar junction.*256km*Under the sign post at 296.1km, before Gopeng Junction.*Under the bridge at 297km, at Gopeng Junction.*Under the bridge at 299.9km.*Under the bridge at 300km, after Gopeng junction.*Under the bridge at 308.6km, after Gopeng junction.*On the hill at 314.4km, stop at about 342/5km*Under the bridge at 317.7km.*Below the bridge at, Bidor junction.*Road block at 345km, gun anywhere 50km before but suspect at around 292km.*Under the bridge at 372.6km, at Slim River junction.*Below the bridge at 383.3km.*Behind the bush at 402.5km, stop b4 Bukit Beruntung.
Speed Traps in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, N.Sembilan and Malacca. PLUS North Bound90km/h zone!
PLUS South Bound*Below the bridge at 443.9km, Rawang junction.*Below sign board at about 454.6km and 455.2km, Sg Buloh layby.*Below the overhead restaurant at 458.2km.*Under the bridge at Kesas junction*Under the bridge before Mint hotel, Sg Besi Toll. 80km/h only!*Under the bridge at 302.8km, Kajang junction.*About 1km south of Bangi junction, both south and north bound outer lanes are flooded during heavy rain.*At 296.5km and 297km, Bangi junction.*289.6km at sign post*Under the newly constructed bridge at 289.0km, before Nilai North junction.*At 285.5km and 285.8km, Nilai North junction.*279.1km from behind*On center divider at 251.8km and 253km after Senawang junction.*Road block at about 225km, gun anywhere 25km before.*After Alor Gajah junction at 213.9km, next to water theme park.*Behind the right hand crash barrier at 198.4km.*185.8km, between center divider.
NKVE East/North Bound*After toll, at Jln Duta Y-junction, 31.2km*300m before Jalan Duta toll, 60km/h!*Behind crash barrier on the left when going toward Jalan Duta toll, at 18.9km, 22.9km, 24.0km, 24.7km, 24.9km, 80km/h!*Under the bridge at 22km, Bukit Lanjan junction.*Below bridge at 18.8km*Below bridge at Damansara Junction, 17.5km
NKVE West/South Bound*Behind crash barrier on the left when leaving Jalan Duta toll from KL, at 25.3 km and 25.7km, 80km/h!*From Jln Duta, below the bridge at 22km, 23km near sg buloh Y-junction.*Behind crash barrier at Damansara Junction, 17.7km and 16.8km*Below railway bridge at 11.2km*Under the bridge at Shah Alam junction.
Elite Central Link East/South Bound*Under the overhead restaurant at USJ/Hicom junction about 8.5km. 90km/h zone!*Below the bridge at 10.5km, 12.0km, 13.2km, 21.2km.*After exit from KLIA toll to the airport, below Jalan Pekeliling flyover. 90km/h zone.Warning, the stretch about 2km from airport to klia toll; on a rainy day, prone to water lock and cause vehicle to spin.
Elite Central Link West/North Bound*On left hand side at 4.8km after Batu Tiga/Shah Alam exit*Under the overhead restaurant at USJ/Hicom junction about 8.5km. 90km/h zone!*Below the bridge at 10.5km, 12.0km, 13.2km, 30.8km.
LDP Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong- Anti Clockwise*5KM from Kepong to Bandar Utama, left side behind the electric box.*at km 32 just in front of the Esso petrol station.*The other place is at the overhead bridge at the Puchong Perdana exit on LDP. They stand behind the barrier and shoot the laser towards the back of the car when it gets down from the overhead bridge.
LDP Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong- Clockwise*Just before Pandan Jaya flyover/exit.
Kesas East Bound*Under the bridge before the first toll plaza.*Under the bridge at 44.8km, downhill run after Puchong junction.*heading towards Sri Petaling from Shah Alam at km 49 just after the last toll.
Kesas West Bound*At Sg Besi side of East Bound Toll.
Kuala Lumpur City*Jalan Duta; below the flyover at the Damansara junction, 70km/h zone.*Jalan Ipoh, north bound and south bound at Selayang junction.*Jalan Ipoh, north bound at Batu Caves junction.
Federal Highway West Bound*Below the bridge at 12.8m, Shah Alam.
Klang*Dual carriageway between Klang and Port Klang. Toward Klang direction, at about 13km mile stone. 70km/h only!
East Coast*The highway leading towards genting highland from sri gombak..just b4 the left turn off to zoo,uk,ampang..beware 80 kmh only!Road sign at Karak highway is inadequate especially at Y junction; if you are unfamiliar, go slow.*East bound, downhill run after Raub junction.*Malan, 60km/h zone.*Paya Bungor, 70km/h zone.
Other Trunk Roads*From rawang towards serendah. right after serendah town b4 serendah golf links. beware no double line overtaking and 60km/h only!!
Plus North Bound*217.0km on center divider*173.8, 174.7km, 178.3km on center divider*160km, between center divider*159.1km, between center divider*143.6km, between center divider*110.4km? behind crash barrier.*Under the bridge after Yong Peng North junction at 97.3km.*94.5km, Yong Peng South junction.*Ayer Hitam junction.*58.5km at Simpang Renggam junction.*46.7km under the bride.*45.0km, behind crash barrier*41.2km at Sedenak junction.*36.6km under the bridge*31.6km under the bridge*12.0km, 23.3km behind crash barrier
Plus South Bound*237km on center divider*185.8km on center divider*178.3, 174.7, 173.8, 171.8, 169.0km on center divider*169.9km before Tangkak junction.*167.8km, on center divider*166.8km, on center divider*160km, between center divider*151km?, between center divider or bridge*142km, 144.7km, on center divider*110.4km? behind crash barrier.*99.9km, between center divider*98.9km between center divider*Under the bridge after Yong Peng North junction at 97.3km.*94.5km, Yong Peng South junction.*Ayer Hitam junction.*69.0km, between center divider*58.5km at Simpang Renggam junction.*49.0, 46.7km under the bride.*40.8, 41.2km at Sedenak junction.*31.6km under the bridge
Link Kedua- North Bound*12.8km below the bridge*23.3km on center divider
Link Kedua- South Bound*12.8km below the bridge
Other places in Johor Bahru* Under the overhead bridge near Angsana Plaza.
mak aii banyak giler tatau la ye ke x.. tapi xsemestinyalah nak tunggu speed trap baru nak drive ikut peraturan.. memandu je ler berhati-hati yek.. ingat orang yang tersayang.. yelah kalo ko xsayang diri sendrik.. kesian la kat mak pak anak bini tu haa... okayyyy...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
ehem.. that looks yummy..
10 am - brunch; nasi puteh, ikan masak kari, sayur goreng, sambal belacan, limau ice
12 nn - meehoon soto, puding kuah, air anggur
3 pm - ringan2; 3 pieces of kueh; kueh keria, kueh pedas, kueh apekenama badak ke apa tu..
8 pm - dinner; nasi puteh, ikan pari asam pedas, sayur campur, sambal belacan, kropok ikan, air anggur
* munching raya cookies in between
t u e s d a y
7 am - breakfast; nasi goreng
10 am - supposed to be brunch; nasi puteh, ayam masak kari, sayur ulam kerabu, sambal belacan, fresh orange
1 pm - lunch walopun konon2 td dah brunch; nasi puteh, sambal tumis udang, sayur campur, sambal belacan, air oren
3 pm - pisang goreng
8 pm - dinner; nasi puteh, ayam masak sambal, daun turi dgn kentang masak lemak, sambal belacan, air oren
* munching raya cookies in between
w e d n e s d a y
10 am - supposed to be brunch; nasi puteh, ikan patin masak lemak, sayur ulam, sambal belacan, fresh oren
1 pm - lunch ehem ehem; nasi ayam, sirap limau
3 pm - 3 pieces of kueh; kueh keria and that badak again 2 pieces
8 pm - dinner; nasi puteh, ayam masak kicap, bayam masak air, sambal belacan, air stroberi
* munching raya cookies in between
t h u r s d a y
7 am - mee goreng, cekodok pisang, that kueh badak again, and kueh keria
9 am - nasi lemak, teh 'o'
12 nn - lunch; nasi puteh, ayam goreng, tomato, sambal kerang, sambal belacan, air epal
* munching raya cookies in between
huh.. just look at how much i ate.. so to myself - just stop whining and complaining bout how fat u look and how can u be this fat.. the answer lies in your hand..
err next week gonna be a disaster.. we gonna have jamuan raya for our big opis on senin, selasa gonna be some tahlil in other opis (of course with food), jamuan raya for student on rabu ( we have our portion too), thursday will be rest time and friday might have jamuan raya for big organization. one whole campus.. urkk take that!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
siannnn diaaa...

'cuba korang bagitau.. kenapa korang x suka dengan aku.. cakap cepattt!!'
Dunia politik memang memeningkan.. Sdeh btol tengok bila kebanyakan orang mau jawatan2 tertentu atas dasar puaskan nafsu tamak.. tak semua.. ada jugak segelintir yang masih mau berjuang atas landasan yg sepatutnya..
Entahlahh.. tapi aku rasa kalo sume orang ikut landasan agama yang sebenarnya maka benda2 ni cenggini sume x timbul.. tapi nak buat cemana.. dunia makin tua.. orang2 tetap xmatang juga..
Monday, October 13, 2008
my girls..
This is my number one.. Alisyia is her name.. i just don't know how to get rid that puting off her mouth..
This is Adrieyana.. the second one.. with a curly hair and loud voice.. you will laugh when you hear her laugh..
Thats all folks..
mr yes-i-can-do-it
yg aku sgt geram ni sebulan lepas aku mintak dapatkan satu alamat web bawah opis tempat keje aku ni.. dia kata 'ok nanti saya dapatkan'.. hari demi hari demi minggu masuk bulan xdpt2.. bila aku tanya dia bagi memacam alasan kata budak yg buat sistem web tu tengah sbok la.. nak buat tu amek masa la itu la ini la.. tapi ntah macamana tadi aku carik ler sape bdk yg buat web tu aku tepon dia tanya, dia kata xde lak mamat IT opis aku bagitau dia nak mintak alamat web itu.. hah eii nyampahnya aku..
hoh pasni malas aku nak melalui dia lagi.. tp susah keje kat tmpt cenggini sesetngah benda kena melalui org2 tertentu.. maybe dia banyak sangatt keje la.. tapi ko janganlah bagi harapan kat org mcm benda tu dah nak berjalan sangat tapi rupanya habuk tarakkk..
tarik nafass turun nafas tarik nafasss turun nafass.. sabarrr yerrr..